Motorcycle clothing companies are obsessed with pro riders. They are usually the foundation of their brand identities. They spend huge amounts of time and money getting rider endorsements, and then more time and money advertising them to the public.
It is hard to dispute that GRIFFS had one of the best rider rosters in history. But Stanley was a manufacturer, not a marketer. He never pushed hard to promote the GRIFFS name on the gear, he let the bike manufacturer get the best branding positions on the gear. Most importantly, he didn't do enough advertising to build his brand, especially compared to companies like JT. As a result, few people make the connection between GRIFFS and the riders that wore their product.
To compile the list of riders that wore GRIFFS, we went through a lot of research. We were very careful to be accurate, and to try to get confirmation either in a photo or from the person themselves. If there was any question about accuracy, their name was dropped. Information resources included going page by page through hundreds (and we are not exaggerating) of old magazines, assistance from industry people, enthusiasts, and former riders. The best sources though, were Steve Stackable, Rolf Stackable, Davey Coombs, and of course, Stanley Arron.
A list of GRIFFS riders is below. If you know of, or have any photos of, additional PRO-level riders that wore GRIFFS, please send them to us at the email below and we will add them. Thanks....
Riders from the motorcycle industry